Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (2024)

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (1)

The Mercenaries -Additional Orders-(as it was renamed after the first expansion) is an extra mode unlockable though the Extra Content Shop (check theAdditional Resources section for more information in how to unlock it), very similar to the Raid mode of past games in the series, in which your main objective will be to obtain the highest amount of points throughout the eight base stages(four normal difficulty stages, with a second more difficult iteration of each), which are progressively unlocked by obtaining a rank of at least "A" in the previous stage.

Each stage is made up of a different number of areas, and the points obtained, as well as the ammunition, money, and abilities, are accumulate until the end of the stage.

Pointsare determined based on four criteria:

  • The length of the combo chain(the most important criteria in this mode), which implies that the higher the number of consecutive kills, the higher the multiplier,
  • The amount of Leiavailable at the end of each area,
  • The time remainingat the end of each area, and
  • Bonus points for killing all the enemies within an area.

Regarding the "perks", in this mode you will find two types of spheres that can be destroyed: i) a golden sphere, which increases the time available; and ii) a blue sphere, which will allow you to choose between three different (randomly selected) skills, which remain active until the completion of the stage, and whose effect is stacked if you select the same ability more than once.

Following is a list of all the (non-DLC) skills available in this mode:

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (3)Pistol Master
  • Effect: Handguns do more damage.
  • Best Compatibility: Handguns
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (4)Shotgun Master
  • Effect: Shotguns do more damage.
  • Best Compatibility: Shotguns
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (5)Bade Master
  • Effect: Knives do more damage.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (6)Magic Magazine
  • Effect: Ammo capacity doubles.
  • Best Compatibility: All firearms.

How to unlock:Get an "S" rank or higher at The Village I stage

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (7)Masamune
  • Effect: Knife attacks are 10 times stronger, but damage from other weapons greatly decreases.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife

How to unlock:Get an "A" rank or higher at The Mad Village I stage.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (8)

No Brainer

  • Headshots do more damage.

  • Best Compatibility: Handguns and Sniper Rifle

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (9)

Break Shot
  • Initial attack does more damage when the enemy's HP is full.

  • Best Compatibility: All firearms

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (10)

Fickle Shooter
  • Attack increases when switching between enemies.

  • Best Compatibility: All firearms

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (11)

Out of Reach
  • Long-distance attacks do more damage.
  • Best Compatibility: Sniper Rifle and Handguns (works well with Magnums too).

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (12)

  • Attack greatly increases when the enemies' HP is below 30%.
  • Best Compatibility: All firearms.

How to unlock:Get an "A" rank or higher at The Castle I stage

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (13)Infighter
  • Close-combat attacks do more damage.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (14)All Brawn
  • Attack increases but speed decreases.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (15)

  • Speed increases.
  • Best Compatibility: Any playstyle!

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (16)

Lighting Speed
  • Movement speed greatly increases but damage taken increases too.

  • Best Compatibility: High Risk/Reward playstyle

How to unlock:Get an "A" rank or higher at The Factory I stage

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (17)

Assassination Dash

  • Movement speed increases when knife is equipped.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife strategy, but can be used for movement as well.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (18)Adrenaline

  • HP recovers slightly when attacking with a gun.
  • Best Compatibility: Firearms

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (19)Thick Skinned

  • Damage taken decreases.

  • Best Compatibility: Any Playstyle.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (20)

Super Guard
  • Damage no longer taken when guarding.
  • Best Compatibility: Knife, but works well with any playstyle.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (21)

  • Max HP increases.

  • Best Compatibility: Any playstyle.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (22)

Gruesome Gourmet
  • Recover a little HP when an enemy is defeated.

  • Best Compatibility: Firearms but works just fine with the knife.
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (23)Slow Motion
  • Enemy movement decreases.
  • Best Compatibility: Any Playstyle. Works better when Stacked.
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (24)Corpse Combustor
  • Enemies will likely explode when they are defeated with a gun.
  • Best Compatibility: Firearms

That said, in order to obtain this trophy you will need to obtain at least an "S rank" (SSS being the higher rank attainable) in each of the eight base stages (not including the DLC stages), a task that will require not only generating a high chain of combos between enemies (for which it helps a lot to know the location of the enemies so that you can plan your path ahead, and throughout which you will definitely also obtain Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (25)Combo King), but also, an efficiently management of your resources, both at the moment of buying items and upgrades from the Dukeat the beginning of each area, as well as throughout the stage. Also, and since the available inventory, as well as the items that you can acquire from the Dukechange in the second iteration of each of the stages, the strategy developed below will be split in two parts.

In the same way and considering the inclusion of the 3 new characters from the WInters' Expansion DLC released on October 28, 2022, new (easier) ways to approach this trophy were opened, for this reason,the first part of this Strategy Guide will focus on a strategy for Ethan Winters, the main game's base character, and will serve those who don't own the DLC; however, and for those who do own it, an additional section with the new recommended strategy will be detailed at the end of the Ethan Winters' guide.

One important thing to mention is that you do not need to finish the entire stage for the points to be recorded, so if it were the case in which you already have the necessary points for an S rank (and you are having a hard time finishing any area), you can let yourself get killed.

IMPORTANT: If you are playing the PS5 version of the game, it is advisable to deactivate the "Adaptive Triggers" function (from the main menu: Options > Controls > Adaptive Triggers > "off"), this is because, for this game, unfortunately it restricts the ease with which you can shoot, making the increase in rate of fire not much of a utility, and potentially hurting, more than helping, in the last 4 stages.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (26)

Ethan is the base character with a wide arsenal available to him.
  • Handguns: Not so powerful, but fast rate of fire.
  • Shotguns: Powerful at close range.
  • Sniper Rifles: Difficult to use, but can pierce anything.
He is a versatile character, making it easy to try different fighting styles.

The first part of this guide will focus on the four base scenarios (The Village, The Castle, The Factory, and The Mad Village), which overall will help you get a general idea for their more difficult versions later.

The default items at the beginning of each stage are the following:

Duke's Shop
  • LEMI Handgun
  • Knife
  • Handgun Ammo x100
  • Shotgun Ammo x5
  • Sniper Rifle Ammo x5
  • First Aid Med x2


Cost (in Lei)
First Aid Med
V61 Custom
Pipe Bomb
W870 TAC
F2 Rifle
LEMI Handgun










Sold Out

Recommended Strategy

The recommended weapon for these four scenarios is the Sniper Rifle. For this purpose, begin each stage by selling the Shotgun ammo, Handgun ammo and your healing items; then, acquire the F12 Sniper Rifle and proceed to upgrade it by focusing on power and rate of fire, but without neglecting the ammo capacity (normally it is wise to start with a Lv 3 to 4 Attack, Lv 2Rate of Fire, and the rest in Ammo Capacity), and upgrade these as you earn more money.

It is possible to complete each area without having to change weapons, but in case you run out of bullets, quickly switch to the pistol so as not to lose the combo (If this happens to you on a regular basis, try to keep a stock of at least 50 handgun bullets). Finally, keep in mind that for these four stage, you get a bonus of 5.000 Lei at the beginning if you previously obtained a "B rank", so it is worth trying each stage at least once before attempting the S rank.

Recommended Perks

Given that we will focus on the Snper Rifle, any skill that is recommended for firearms (except of course the Shotgun Master) is useful in this case, however, and if you have to choose, these are the most recommended: Magic Magazine, Break Shot, Out of reach, Execution, Fickle Shooter, and Corpse Combustor; in the same way, it is highly recommended that you get Lighting Speed and / or Agile as soon as possible, since this will help you a lot in reaching the enemies spawn points.

Lastly, below is a video guide for each of each of the four stages, with the information necessary for getting the S rank.

Number of Areas
Rank Requirements

Video Guide

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (27)The Village I


SSS - ?

SS - 756.000

S- 630.000

A - 420.000

B - 168.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (28)The Castle I


SSS - ?
SS - 1.764.000
S- 1.470.000
A - 980.000
B - 392.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (29)

The Factory I


SSS - ?
SS - 1.296.000
S- 1.080.000
A - 720.000
B - 288.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (30)The Mad Village I


SSS - ?
SS - 1.782.000
S- 1.485.000
A - 990.000
B - 396.000

As soon as you get at least A Rank in The Mad Village stage, you will be able to access the second iteration of the first four stages (The Village II, The Castle II, The Factory II, and The Mad Village II. While the number of enemies does not change per area, they are stronger, deal much more damage, and to top it off, you no longer have access to the Sniper Rifle from the Duke, so you will have to completely change your strategy and optimize much more your playstyle. Fortunately, however, the points required to reach S rank are lower in this case.

The default items at the beginning of each stage are the following:

Duke's Shop
  • LEMI Handgun
  • Knife
  • Handgun Ammo x100
  • First Aid Med x2
Cost (in Lei)
First Aid Med
Explosive Rounds
M1851 Wolfsbane
Pipe Bomb
GM79 Grenade Launcher
LEMI Handgun
Sold Out

Recommended Strategy

From now on, you can choose between two types of strategies to face these four stages. Similarly, keep in mind that while technically both strategies are mutually exclusive (especially if you choose the knife strategy, since you will not be able to use the handgun effectively again), you may be able to switch from a handgun strategy to a knife one at the middle of a stage, and as long as you are very low on ammo and find a Masamune skill (the video guide included for the Mad Village II stage shows you how you can effectively do this and still earn an SSS rank).

Handgun + Magnum
Start each stage by acquiring the M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum, which will be of vital importance for strong enemies (since it usually kills them with a single shot, except the case of sub-bosses and bosses) and in extreme cases to maintain your combo.

The second thing will be to concentrate on upgrading the handgun. It is advisable to start by raising the Attack to Lv4, the Rate of Fire to Lv2,and the Ammo Capacity to Lv3 (depending on whether you feel more comfortable and can give more accurate shots, you could go for Lv3 rate of fire and Lv2 Ammo Capacity instead), and from there upgrade the rest of the skills as you earn more money. In this particular case it is not necessary to improve the magnum.

A good strategy is to focus on shooting at the legs of the most basic enemies (i.e. the Moraicas) to make them kneel and use this time to reposition yourself or focus on their weaker areas (this also works with the lesser Lycans, but be careful that they speed might cause you some troubles). For stronger enemies, use the magnum or start by shooting their weak spots from a distance. Finally, use mines and pipe bombs to remove the armor from the strongest enemies (i.e. Armored Soldats) and/or for crowd control.

Knife + Masamune + Flashbangs

This is a high risk / high return / high patience strategy. Basically what this tries to do is take advantage of the Masamuneskill(in conjunction with Blade master and potentially Infighter) in synergy with the knife and the flashbangs from the GM79, to create a unstoppable machine together. For this, start each stage by selling your LEMI handgun, the handung ammo (and possibly a healing item), and buy the GM79 with all the flashbangs you can, then, enter each stage and look for the closest blue sphere (you can try more than one) in order to check if you have the Masamune skill to choose from, if you don't have it press restart and try again. This is a tedious process, but it is quite effective when the necessary conditions are met.

Do note that some enemies like Helmeted Lycans and Sturm (the enemy with a propeller on their head), are not affected by flashbangs, so you will have to use explosive bullets or pipe bombs / mines to destroy their armor first, and make them vulnerable. Also, be careful that Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra still continue to attack even when blinded by the light.

Recommended Skills

Handgun + Magnum
Given that we will focus on the handgun here, any skill that is recommended for firearms (again, except the Shotgun Master) is useful, however, these are the most recommended: Pistol Master, Magic Magazine, Break Shot, Out of Reach, No Brainer, Execution, Fickle Shooter, and Corpse Combustor; in the same way, it is highly recommended that you get Agileas soon as possible, since this will help you a lot in reaching the enemies spawn points (In this case, the skill Lighting Speed is not recommended due to the high damage caused by enemies). Finally, any skill that allows you to increase your health or avoid damage (any of the green colored skills) is highly recommended, specially Super Guard.

Kinfe + Masamune + Flashbangs
Given that we will focus on close combat , any skill that is recommended for the knife is useful, however, you should definitely combine Blade Master and Infighterwith the MasamuneSkill. In the same way as before, it is highly recommended that you get Agileas soon as possible, since this will help you in reaching the enemies spawn points, and any skill that allows you to increase your health or avoid damage (any of the green colored skills), specially Super Guard.

Lastly, below is a video guide for each of each of the four stages, with the information necessary for getting the S rank.

Number of Areas
Rank Requirements
Video Guide
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (31)The Village II
SSS - ?
SS - 650.000
S- 516.000
A - 350.000
B - 84.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (32)The Castle II
SSS - ?
SS - 1.073.000
S- 851.000
A - 574.000
B - 130.000
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (33)The Factory II
SSS - ?
SS - 690.000
S- 545.000
A - 360.000
B - 72.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (34)The Mad Village II
SSS - ?
SS - 796.000
S- 658.000
A - 486.000
B - 210.000

As mentioned before, with the release of the Winters' Expansion DLC, 3 new characters were added to the game: Chris Redfield, Karl Heisenberg,and Alcina Dimitrescu, whose abilities and characteristics are described in greater depth in the DLC trophy guide (Check Stage 5 of this guide's Roadmap). The importance of this DLC, with regards to this section, is that these characters have remarkably stronger abilities and require less precision than in the case of Ethan, so they could make it easier for you not only to obtain this trophy, but also to achieve an "SSS" rank on each stage (which will be the focus of each strategy -and video- provided).

Having said that, the recommended strategy for those who own the DLC will be detailed below, which, similarly to the case of the Strategy for Ethan, will be divided into two parts,with the first focusing on the first four base scenarios(The Village I , The Castle I , The Factory I, and The Mad Village I), for which we will use Chris Redfield; while for the second part, we will use Lady Dimitrescu in to face for the harder versions of each stage (The Village II , The Castle II , The Factory II, and The Mad Village II)

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (35)

Chrisis a combat specialist who fights with his guns and fists. Guns are great for long-distance attacks, but get in close to punch some bad guys and Chris will get fired up, increasing hisOnslaughtgauge. Once the Onslaught gauge is full, Chris can activateOnslaught,which greatly increases his speed and attack power.

Be careful though! Chris can't block to reduce damage or recover his health with items, so take advantage of his brute strength and eliminate your enemies before they get the better of you!

Chris(alongsideEthan) is the default character for The Mercenaries - Additional Orders mode and will be unlocked from the start with the purchase of the DLC.

The default items at the beginning of each stage are the following:

Duke's Shop
  • USM- A Handgun
  • Karambit Knife
  • Dragoon
  • Handgun Ammo x100
  • Tactical Gloves
  • Lei x40.000
  • Handgun Ammo x150
  • Rifle Ammo x50
  • Hand Grenade x1
Cost (in Lei)
Energized Guns
Energized Hook
Energized Punch
Target Locator
Flash Grenade







Chris Redfield's Exclusive Perks



Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (36)

Absolute Onslaught

The duration of Onslaughtincreases.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (37)

Auto Onslaught

The OnslaughtGauge increases over time while Onslaught is not active (Only effective in combat areas).

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (38)

Followup Shot

After attacking with a left hook, the next shot from a gun does more damage; a headshot will also increase the Onslaughtgauge.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (39)

Headshot Boost

The Onslaughtgauge increases greatly when an enemy is killed with a headshot while Onslaught is active.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (40)

Finishing Reload

The Onslaughtgauge increases greatly when an enemy is killed with a headshot while Onslaughtis active.

Recommended Strategy

Fists + Handgun

Begin each stage by selling half of yourRifle Ammo, and all but Handgun Ammo x70 ; then, acquire the Energized Punch (or Hook, depending on whether your use your left or right fist more) and proceed to upgrade your Tactical Gloves: Straight Punch to Lv2and Left Hook to Lv3.Finally, increase your Handgun's Rate of Fire up to Lv2.Subsequently, and after finishing the first area, concentrate first, on obtaining the Energized Hook(or Punch, depending on which one you bought first) and finish leveling up the Tactical Gloves. Also, if you have money left over, finish raising the Pistol's Rate of Fire up to Lv3 and then focus on raising the Power, Reload Speed, and Ammo Capacity (in that order of importance).

As for the form of attack, prioritize movement, giving you enough space to connect a Straight Punch with Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (41)(this fist attack has a few starting frames, so you can move away a little and get closer when you see that the animation is reaching the point in which it could connect and do damage). At the same time, if you see any enemies getting too close and about to land an attack, quickly press Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (42)to land a Left Hook and stop their attack animation (this works better on Lycans and Moraicas -hooded enemies-).

When facing Soldats, look for their weak point, keep your distance and connect with a Straight Punchto immobilize them for a moment, from there, continue to pressure them with the Straight Punch until you kill them. At the same time, if you come across any Soldat Panzer (Soldats completely covered in armor that do not reveal their weak points), use a hand grenade to remove their armor and attack them as you would with the rest of these enemies.

Everything mentioned above will charge your Onslaughtbar, which you should use any time you feel surrounded or when you want to quickly move around the are until you find enemies so you don't lose your combo. Similarly, if you feel that you are too far from an enemy, quickly switch to the Handgun so as not to lose the combo (If you are running out of ammo on a regular basis, try to keep a stock of at least x100 Handgun Ammo). A particularly effective strategy is to damage the enemies with the Handgun until their health bar is almost depleted and attack them with Straight Punch to finish them off and quickly charge up the Onslaught's gauge bar.

Finally, you may prefer to use the Dragoon Assault Rifle over the Handgun. In this case reverse the strategy and save more Rifle Ammo. One argument in favor of using the Handgun though is that you'll find more bullets for this weapon; also, you will be able to sell the Rifle Ammo at a higher price, allowing you to save more Lei to buy upgrades. That being said, this is a only a recommended strategy, so you can use the weapon you feel more comfortable with (anyway, in both cases we will use the weapons only to avoid losing the combo).

Recommended Perks

Given that we will focus on the Tactical Gloves and the Handgun, any exclusive perk forChrisis recommended (mainly Absolute Onslaught and Auto Onslaught to charge your gauge faster). Also, any skill that is recommended for firearms is useful in this case, however, and if you have to choose, these are the most recommended: Pistol Master, Followup Shot,Magic Magazine, Break Shot, Out of reach, Execution, Fickle Shooter, and Corpse Combustor; in the same way, it is highly recommended that you get Lighting Speedand / orAgileas soon as possible, since this will help you a lot in reaching the enemies spawn points. Lastly, sinceChriscannot block attacks, it will be wise to choose Thick Skinned and/or Gruesome Gourmet from time to time.

Lastly, below is a video guide for each of each of the four stages, with the information necessary for getting the "SSS" rank.


Number of Areas

Rank Requirements

Video Guide

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (43)The Village I


SSS - ?

SS - 756.000

S- 630.000

A - 420.000

B - 168.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (44)The Castle I


SSS - ?

SS - 1.764.000

S- 1.470.000

A - 980.000

B - 392.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (45)

The Factory I


SSS - ?

SS - 1.296.000

S- 1.080.000

A - 720.000

B - 288.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (46)The Mad Village I


SSS - ?

SS - 1.782.000

S- 1.485.000

A - 990.000

B - 396.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (47)

Lady Dimitrescutowers over her enemies, ripping them to shreds. Her stature lets her shrug off many enemy attacks, but she does have to crouch to get through doors and navigate rooms with low ceilings. Taking her enemies down one after the other with her brave hands increases her Thrill.

When her Thrillgauge is high, Dimitrescu moves faster and deals more damage. She will also be able to throw one of her many ornate vanities and summon her daughters for aid.

Dimitrescu can't guard, but she has a lot of health and can drink refreshing glass of Sanguis Virginis to heal any wounds she may accrue. She can also use her Lady's Lipstick to increase her Thrill.

Lady Dimitrescuis unlocked by getting an "S" rank or above in "The Bloody River I" (DLC) stage.

The default items at the beginning of each stage are the following:

Duke's Shop
  • Lady's Nails
  • Sanguis Virginis x2
  • Ornate Variety
  • Insect Swarm
  • Lei x 4.000
  • Lei x 4.000
  • Lady's Lipstick x1
Cost (in Lei)
Vigorous Vanity
Thrill Keeper
Sanguis Virginis
Lady's Lipstick






Lady Dimitrescu's Exclusive Perks



Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (48)

Lady Scissorhands

Slicing attacks with nails do more damage.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (49)


Do more damage to enemies who are being swarmed by flies.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (50)

Thrilling Quick Step

Speed increases, and increases further when the Thrillgauge is full.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (51)

Blood Sacrifice

The cooldown time for summoning a daughter decreases slightly every time an enemy is defeated.

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (52)

Dicing Demise

Damage dealt by two-handed slice attacks increases greatly when the enemy has 50% or less health remaining.

Recommended Strategy

Slam + Insect Swarm

We will start each stage by buying the Slam-tastic item, and raising the Power level of theInsect Swarm to Lv5, then we will raise the Power of the Ladys Nails to Lv2 and, depending on how comfortable you feel with the character, selling a bottle of Virginis Singanis. Subsequentlu, and after beating the first area, we will buy the Thrill Keeper and focus on finishing raising the Power of the Insect Swarm, then the Lady Nails, and finally, the Thirll Value of both, in that order. Lastly, and if you have money left to spend, it is recommended to raise the Cooldown Time level of the Ornate Variety up to Lv3.

The strategy withLady Dimitrescu is mainly based on exploiting her Slam skill, an attack that is executed by holding down Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (53)in which Lady Dimitrescu will rush forward until she grabs an enemy and slams it to the ground, defeating most of the of enemies with a single attack!! This includes all varieties of Lycans (even the armored ones), the Moraicas (even the giant ones), and the Soldats Eins (basic unarmoured Soldiers). Additionally, this attack has invincibility frames throughout the animation and you can connect multiple attacks in a row by holding down the Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (54)button, which works great when you are surrounded, since in addition to killing enemies quickly without taking damage, you will receive extra points for the Thirll gauge if you hit other enemies when executing the Slam attack (this effect is further enhanced if you have the Thrill Keeper item the Duke,which is why we bought it in the first place). However, and despite the ease that you will have to kill common enemies in close combat, Lady Dimitrescudoes not excel in long distance fights, which is why we need to level up the Insect Swarm as a priority, so that we can kill long distance enemies with one or two uses of this move (hold Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (55)to aim and Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (56)to summon flies). This attack can even be used to distract enemies or to deal damage over time while you focus on stronger enemies.

The combination of Slam and Insect Swarm, will allow you to charge your Thrillgauge, allowing Dimitrescu to deal more damage with her nails, as well as getting access to two rather powrerful attacks: i) Throwing theOrnate Variety when the bar is almost full with Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (57), which highly effective against Soldats Jet (Soldats with a propeller) and Soldats Panzers (Soldats with armor); and ii) Summoning the Daughters (Bela, Cassandra, or Daniela) when the gauge is full (hold Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (58)to aim and Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (59)to summon a daughter), an attack that should be used mainly for the strongest enemies: Sturds, Giant Orcs, and Varcolacs, in conjuction with the basic Nail attacks.

Recommended Perks

Since we will focus basically on close combat,the single most important perk of this strategy will be the Gruesome Gourmet, since with it you will be able to recover your health while you are slamming enemies to the ground, without having to worry about using the few healing items you have access to. Also, since like Chris, Dimitrescucannot block attacks, Thick Skinned, and Healthyare also highly recommended.

On the other hand, and considering that Lady Dimitrescu's walking speed is slow, you should get either Thrilling Quick Step or Agile (or both) as soon as possible as complementary movement perks to the use of Slam for faster mobility.

Finally, both Blood Sacrifice and Lady Scissorhands can be good additions to any kind of offensive strategy.

Lastly, below is a video guide for each of each of the four stages, with the information necessary for getting an "SSS" rank.

Number of Areas
Rank Requirements
Video Guide
Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (60)The Village II
SSS - ?
SS - 650.000
S- 516.000
A - 350.000
B - 84.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (61)The Castle II
SSS - ?
SS - 1.073.000
S- 851.000
A - 574.000
B - 130.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (62)The Factory II
SSS - ?
SS - 690.000
S- 545.000
A - 360.000
B - 72.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide • (63)The Mad Village II
SSS - ?
SS - 796.000
S- 658.000
A - 486.000
B - 210.000

Resident Evil Village Trophy Guide  • (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.